While working as a recording engineer in Los Angeles in the 80's & 90's, I observed that none of the studios were using any kind of standardized software to manage the bookings in the various rooms, their clients, staff, the rooms, equipment, rates, library, projects, tasks, invoices, etc.. So, I created one! It was a passion. Between waves of recording sessions for records, commercials, tv shows & films, I worked on it until 2-3-4 in the morning, dreamed of nothing but new features, then woke up like a rocket to obsessively work on it more...
After I had a basic version working, I founded AlterMedia in 1997 to officially develop, market, sell, and support Studio Suite out of my apartment's single-car garage. I began with a small team of one, eventually growing to 12 at the peak. We went on to sell Studio Suite to studios in 55 countries around the world (see a partial list below).
I lived a 24/7 lifestyle as the creator of the product, the lead developer, founder, CEO of AlterMedia, primary sales person for the first 10 years, primary tech support person, accountant, CD burner & bottle-washer!
I traveled the world meeting and working with my clients, people of many different countries and cultures who are now my friends, not just clients. I owe tons of credit to my team. For the most part, we were like a family, and they rode the ups and downs with me.
One of the trickier aspects of building Studio Suite was making it function in multiple languages, currencies, and with all of the different tax laws in different parts of the world - all things I never thought I'd need to know in college... but a true gift in retrospect.
I sold Studio Suite to Adatasol, Inc. in 2019, and continue to provide consulting services to them.
You can learn more about Studio Suite at studiosuite.com
Scroll down for some images, and just a few of the many videos I created back in the day...
Just a few of our Customers...

Core Team

Trade Show Eve, Setup Complete

Trade Show Album Cover